not able to upload video

setup is properly done, but we are not able to upload videos on app. app just loading after adding video.

Asked 1 year ago on April 4, 2023 7:28 AM Comments 8 times

  1. Generic placeholder image


    Bro, I have installed the ffmpeg but still getting the same error video file is still not uploading more than 22 mb.

  2. Generic placeholder image

    rahul Bhangre replied

    Please update, let me know the cost on this. 

  3. Generic placeholder image

    rahul Bhangre replied

    We are okay with charges. yes please tell your charges and time for this. 

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    Support replied

    you must have to install ffmpg on your vps server . please read documentation & search on google about how to setup FFMPG on server.

    we are charge for installation and reskin app

    Support DivineTechs
  5. Generic placeholder image

    rahul Bhangre replied

    hello team 

    Not yet we are not setup FFMPG on server yet. we need help for this. Thanks 

  6. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    are you setup FFMPG on server ?


    Support DivineTechs
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