No Signup page on Web version

hi there,

I am having issues finding the registration page and no link page for signup on Login page in Web Version as you can see on screenshots below. 

Can you please provide a documentation for setting up Web and macOS version. there is no guidance how to configure such as web, macOs, web version for domain setup replacing on http://localhost:60571.  

I need asap fix, please replay urgently. thanks.

best regards,



Asked 3 months ago on March 31, 2024 11:19 PM Comments 3 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    you need to reskin app and build apk ...

    you need to build web for upload website....

    please check documetnation

    Support DivineTechs
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Solomon replied

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have not reskin app. This was the first result after I run the app. 

    I follow the your documentaion but there are a lot missing from your documentaion how to setup the app.

    Please, advice what i was missing.


    thanks a lot.

  3. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    There are only Login with Gmail and Login with OTP feature on app and web..

    have you reskin App ?

    Support DivineTechs
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