
The documentation attached in the files provided at codecanyon appears to be from another project and not the project that purchased "DTLive".

In general, because it is a php+laravel project, I was able to install it even without the correct documentation, so I present you with doubts.

1 - using the empty database (dtlive_empty_data.sql), the initial page of the project, presents the error 503.

I believed it was due to not having data, so I registered 1 movie, but it persists.

2 - A url "/admin/language" has an error:

DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0 - Ajax error. For more information about this error, see http://datatables.net/tn/7

3 - IMDB, ao cadastrar um filme, nçao encontrei onde colocar o id imdb para o siostema buscar os dados da api.

não encontrei onde configurar isto, e o filme que cadastrei, não buscou nenhuma informação do imdb

Asked 1 year ago on May 22, 2023 2:42 PM Comments 6 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    Give me admin panel link

    Support DivineTechs
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Daniel Rabi replied

    In the demo, changes are disabled, so it is not possible to test faithfully in my case.

    that as I said, I used the empty dump. and Start all entries manually.


    The 503 error, I already solved it, just after registering videos, registering some items in the VideoSection.

    If this is missing in your documentation, a comment on the need for this.

  3. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    Check our demo. It's working.. issues on setup admin panel.


    Without sharing server details how can I fixed it ?

    Support DivineTechs
  4. Generic placeholder image

    Daniel Rabi replied

    No have cpanel!

  5. Generic placeholder image

    Daniel Rabi replied

    I cannot provide access to my VPS.


    the problem also occurs in local installation with xamp, you can try to fix it and just send me the fix.

  6. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    Give me cpanel details please

    Support DivineTechs
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