Admin Panel Issue

Hello sir ,

I had done all setup on server as guide in given document in code but I am not able to open url which I had defined in .env file.

Please check and let me know what is the issue if possible please resolve it.

Server details are as follows:

WHM url :

user = root

password = :,z{6U_s8NLsgE

Domain name is 



Asked 5 months ago on January 29, 2024 7:48 AM Comments 3 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    its working now..

    UN:-  [email protected]

    PW:-  admin

    Support DivineTechs
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Support replied

    Support DivineTechs
  3. Generic placeholder image

    Olivers job replied


    use this directory

    You can log in to your panel, but I can't log in to the one I built. I used aapanel, damn it.

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